Shipping & Delivery


We provide flexible shipping rates from our warehouses in China by YUN Express, Fedex or DHL.


We are
proud to offer international shipping services. However, there are some
locations we are unable to ship to. If your shipping address country is
not listed you will need to speak to us directly for an accurate


We ship all our Europe packages via PDD service to your door. This includes; customs duties and VAT tax.

For the
rest of the world we are not able to pay the customs or taxes in
advance, please contact your local customs office in your country before
ordering. We are not responsible and can not estimate the costs for
you. By purchasing our products, you consent that one or more packages
may be shipped to you and may get custom fees when they arrive to your
country. The customs office will contact you via the information given
at check out. Please make sure the information given is accurate. If
goods are returned to us the cost involved will be taken out of any
refund given.


Free shipping to Europe and US customers

If your country is not listed at the checkout or dropdown menu, please contact us and we will check your specific location.

Shipments vary according to destination countries. As a general rule all air shipments should arrive within 4 - 10 business days.

This doesn’t include our 1-3 day processing time.


You will
receive an email with a tracking number once your order is shipped,
however sometimes shipping tracking will not be available.

For logistical reasons, items in the same purchase may be sent in separate packages even if you’ve specified combined shipping.

If you have any other questions, please contact us and we will do our best to help you out.